Martin J. McDermott - Outstanding Faculty Award

Martin J. McDermott with son Martin McDermott

Marty pictured above with son Martin, the future host of Franchise Interviews- Interview 8/7/2008. 

Martin J. McDermott

Martin J. McDermott - Outstanding Faculty Award at Kaplan University

Marty McDermott Interviewed by Kaplan University

Marty pictured above with son Martin, the future host of Franchise Interviews- Interview 8/7/2008.

 How long have you been with Kaplan? Three wonderful years.

What do you do at KU? I teach Marketing. In addition, I am the faculty advisor for the Collegiate Entrepreneurs Organization. I also have the pleasure of mentoring new faculty and getting involved in special projects every so often. For example, last year, I assisted in redesigning our Principles of Marketing Course. We added a lot of multimedia to the class, and it came out great!

Why did you choose Kaplan? I have always been fascinated with distance and online learning. Most students come from the same place in a traditional college. With Kaplan, we have students and faculty from all over the United States and sometimes the world. That diversity adds to the classroom experience for the student and the teacher.

What did you do before coming to Kaplan? I spent the last 15 years in sales and marketing. I worked for a Madison Avenue firm called Venture Direct Worldwide. VDW is one of the biggest direct marketing firms in the country. At Venture, I was introduced to the exciting world of online marketing. I also had the opportunity to own and operate a successful business.

Where were you born? Brooklyn, NY

Where do you live now? Williams Twp., PA, is located in eastern Pennsylvania, next to the Delaware River.

It is about 50 miles north of Philadelphia, PA.

Education: BS in Marketing, an MBA in International Business, and a Post MBA in Entrepreneurial Studies.

What do you like to do for fun? These days, I spend time with my wife and newborn son.

Favorite TV shows: 60 Minutes, 20/20, Man vs. Wild, Bizarre Foods, and Inside the Actor's Studio

What best tip/advice would you give a student pursuing a Business degree at Kaplan? Keep your options open. There are so many avenues you can pursue with a business degree. Frequently read as many books, magazines, newsletters, and trade journals on business. You will become more knowledgeable, and reading will help you become a better writer.

What do you think makes a successful person? I am not sure who gets credit for this quote, but success is doing what you want, where you want when you want, with whom you want, and as much as you want. Ray Kroc said, "Find something that you love to do that you would do for free. If you can achieve that, you will never have to work a day in your life."

How do you think higher education can benefit a person?

Higher education can benefit students in so many ways. For one, you will have more opportunities available. It is always nice to have many choices as opposed to just several.

The best part of your job is the opportunity to teach something I love and the ability to impact our students positively.

If you could spend a day anywhere in the world with anyone, where would you be and with whom? Spring Lake, New Jersey, with my wife Conni and son Martin.